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Mother Nature (Julia Roberts)

[In 2015, Conservation International created a series called “Nature is speaking”, where famous people impersonated forces of nature. Today, 22 April 2022, is the Earth Day. This year, the selected theme is ‘Invest In Our Planet. This is the moment to change it all — the business climate, the political climate, and how we take action on climate. Now is the time for the unstoppable courage to preserve and protect our health, our families, our livelihoods… together, we must ‘Invest In Our Planet’.]

Some call me nature.

Others call me “Mother Nature”.

I’ve been here for over 4.5 billion years.

22.500 times longer than you.

I don’t really need people.

But people need me.

Yes, your future depends on me.

When I thrive, you thrive.

When I falter, you falter.

Or worse.

But I’ve been here for eons.

I have fed species greater than you.

And I have starved species greater than you.

My oceans.

My soil.

My flowing streams.

My forests.

They all can take you.

Or leave you.

How you choose to live each day, whether you regard or disregard me,

doesn’t really matter to me.

One way.

Or the other.

Your actions will determine your fate.

Not mine.

I am nature.

I will go on.

I am prepared to evolve.

Are you?
